Longstanding Vice-Chairman stands down at Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA). A new Vice-Chairman has been appointed by the SPFA after David Hutchison, skipper of the Charisma (LK 362), stood down following 15 years in the role.
Richard Williamson, one of the owners and skippers of the Research (LK 62), stepped into the post at the most recent SFPA board meeting.
Chairman Alex Wiseman paid tribute to Davie’s contribution to the Association’s work over the years, which as well as his time as Vice-Chairman include 39 years as a Director, a role he will continue in.
“It’s fair to say that this is an unprecedented time of service representing the interests of pelagic fishermen. I have really enjoyed Davie’s company while travelling to and attending important pelagic meetings.
“It is great to welcome Richard into the position, continuing the balance of mainland and Shetland interests as office bearers of the Association.”