Tasty, healthy-to-eat and sustainable – new herring season gets underway!

by | Aug 8, 2019 | News

With the Scottish North Sea herring season now underway, this is the perfect time for consumers to include this tasty and nutritious fish as part of their weekly shopping basket.

Herring is an incredibly nutritious fish, packed full of minerals, vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids that are so important for heart health.

Robert Duthie of the Scottish Pelagic Processors Association says: “Scottish North Sea herring has great flavour and is healthy to eat, which means it ticks all the right boxes when looking for something new to try in your weekly shop.”

Once affectionately known as the ‘silver darlings’, North Sea herring is one of the most sustainable types of fish around and carries the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) ecolabel for the responsible way the fishery is managed.

Ian Gatt of the Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group states: “Our herring fishermen are committed to sustainable fishing, and with the stock in great shape, this is a fish that should be on everyone’s menu.”