Oatcakes Topped with Mackerel Pâté

by | Aug 15, 2022 | Recipes

Prep time: 2 minutes
Cooking time: 1 minute
Serves: 2


  • 2 Smoked Mackerel Fillets
  • 4 tbsp Creme Fraiche
  • 1 box of Oatcakes
  1. Remove the skin and flake the smoked mackerel flesh into a bowl. Break it down with a fork, the more you mix, the smoother the pâté. If you prefer a courser type, go easy with the fork.
  2. Add in creme fraiche and mix it all up. If your mackerel wasn’t peppered in the first place, you might like to add some – but it should be salty enough.
  3. Serve with a plateful of oatcakes.