Prominent American online food site – Chowhound – recently posted an article on why canned mackerel makes such a great ingredient for pepping up salads and is a fabulous alternative to tuna.
Chowhound is a site for food aficionados and for people who want to know the absolute best way to prepare a dish and the science behind it.
On canned mackerel, their article states: “Whether you’re looking to eat nutritiously or just make your meals more convenient, it’s hard to go wrong with canned tuna. The fish is a popular addition to salads for good reason: It’s a great vehicle for various condiments and spices, while its flaky texture means it’s easy to incorporate into all kinds of recipes. But as much love as tuna gets, eating it becomes a bit boring after a while. Fortunately, there’s another affordable canned fish out there that will help you shake up your salads. For a tinned fish with a decadent, savoury flavour, go for canned mackerel.
“Canned mackerel offers several advantages over tuna and is one of the best cheap fish you can buy. While canned tuna can sometimes have a rather fishy aroma and taste, mackerel is much milder. Even so, it’s still incredibly rich thanks to its high fat content. Tinned mackerel is also unique because it typically comes packaged as fillets rather than shredded up or in chunks. This not only looks appetizing for a better presentation, but it makes each bite feel quite substantial, which can be a nice change for your salads if you’re used to extra flaky tuna.”
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