Briefing Document ensures informed opinion of the sector

by | Apr 5, 2022 | News

The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) has produced a ‘Pelagic Industry Briefing Document’ aimed at politicians and other interested parties to ensure there is informed understanding of the sector.

The document includes the historical development of the pelagic fleet to its current status and highlights the important contribution the pelagic processing sector makes to the national economy. It also focuses on the sustainability of Scotland’s pelagic industry and its pioneering scientific work to enhance knowledge of stocks and ensure a sustainable future.

Ian Gatt, chairman of SPSG, says: “Discussion and debate about the pelagic sector is often misinformed, which is why we felt it important to produce a user-friendly document that provides a comprehensive overview of the industry.

“The Scottish pelagic fleet is operated by families with a fishing lineage of several generations, and they are rightfully proud of the low carbon footprint, climate-smart food they put on our plates. The sector is committed to sustainability and is at the forefront of spearheading a range of initiatives to ensure responsible harvesting of a highly nutritious food resource.”

The ‘Pelagic Industry Briefing Document’ can be viewed at Scottish Pelagic Industry Briefing Document (