Herring survey takes a starring role on BBC Landward

by | Sep 28, 2017 | News

BBC Landward will be featuring the innovative work of a multi-partner scientific survey to assess the status and composition of herring stocks to the West of Scotland.

The Landward programme will be aired on Friday 6 October at 7.30pm on BBC Scotland.

The survey led by marine scientists Dr Steven Mackinson of the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA), Martin Pastoors of the Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (PFA) and Susan Lusseau of Marine Scotland is investigating the composition of herring stocks on fishing grounds to the west of Scotland.

The survey is using a combination of acoustic data and catch sampling to estimate the abundance of herring and investigate whether stocks in this fishing zone are different from those further south. Such data will then contribute to the international stock assessment process carried out by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

Dr Mackinson said: “It was great to have the BBC Landward team on board the Lunar Bow recently to feature this survey work, which is playing an important role in enhancing the knowledge of our west coast herring stocks.”